Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sunday, bloody Sunday....

I will have a flatmate for approximately ten days!! I am soooo thrilled about it! Melissa moved in on Saturday night and will stay with me until her flat is ready to be inhabited. I have made space for her, both in the flat and in my domestic life , which was an interesting experience - I have never shared my living space with another girl before.

During my university years I was fortunate enough (or not?) to be spared the necessity of sharing a flat or a room with anybody but I was also deprived of all the fun which usually comes with this kind of life. I was thinking of this while making space in the wardrobe for her ... Both of us were a bit tense at the beginning but we have now adjusted to the new circumstances and are looking forward to the experience.

Maria, one of my oldest and best Romanian friends came to visit today, for the second part of the evening, so the flat was full and very vivid today! She works for one of the Big 4 firms in Brussels and it's such a pitty that we are not able to see each other more often - I know, Maria, I am to blame :-( .... It's such a great great coincidence that we both work and live in the same city!!

Yet another week-end is thus gone.... I hate Sundays so much! But am looking forward to the holiday!

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