Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Back to School

I was recently asked by a couple of concerned friends why I am continuously unavailable on line, why I have been a stranger for quite some time now, why I haven’t returned phone calls and haven’t written emails. I would therefore like to apologise for having been silent for so long and I hope that I have not alienated (all) my friends. What have I been doing lately? Well, not much really, apart from travelling like mad around Europe (the UK, France and Romania, since the beginning of the year). For work. Mais oui, what else. And the travel plan for the rest of the year looks even crazier. Eh, I guess I have to survive.

SO: no, I am not upset, I am not precious or self–sufficient. I have just been busy – I know it is a truism but, unfortunately, it is true. And something else is true too – sometimes I just need some time for myself. Some time when I reduce the conversations with friends, even with family, to a minimum. A time reserved for introspection, staring at the ceiling and hard thinking. I know it’s dangerous, I know I might get lost in the woods but this is something which I really need to do from time to time.

In the meantime, I have felt the need to study. My brain has been underused for way too long. I have been toying with the idea of an executive MBA for some time but have decided to postpone that a bit. Just a tiny bit, until I get my CIA degree. The books arrived while I was away but today (my first day back in the office) I took them home J. This is a qualification which I don’t exactly need – meaning that I can do my job extremely well without having passed these exams (and I have another, more meaningful / powerful qualification already). But CIA is related to my job and it’s a way to keep occupied. So, it’s back to school for me, I guess.

I hope I succeeded to reassure everybody and convince them that I am alive and kicking. Just feel the need to be invisible for a while. Relax, I will resurface soon. But, for now, I say goodbye and retreat to my shell.

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