At last! Brussels often shines with glittering rain … We often have rain in Brussels these days, without it being annoying, since these are short intervals followed by other sunny intervals … The temperature is quite pleasant, the colours are simply amazing in their variety. So … autumn is here, my favourite season.
Yes, I have been lazy and not too inspired lately that’s why the blog suffered. But probably nobody really noticed that I have not updated it since nobody ever reads it so …. That’s cool, it makes a real diary out of it – for my eyes only :-). Please, you casual readers, don’t prove me wrong :-)
So … what have I done lately? Hmmm … not much in terms of travelling, I’m afraid. I went to Amsterdam for work for three days and also spent last week-end there. I have been to Amsterdam many times but this was the first time I looked at it with different eyes, I discovered its specific charm. I took long strolls, paused to look at the canals, had quiet meals in Oriental restaurants. People were so relaxed and everything seemed a lot nicer than last time I was there.
These days I am back in Brussels and currently preparing to fly to Moscow on Monday morning. I will be in Moscow on a job for what seems to me an eternity - two weeks - and also on the week-end in between. I haven’t been to Moscow since 2001/2002 when A was there on a secondment and I went to visit like a dutiful wife. I heard on the grapevine that things might have changed for the better, however some have also changed for the worse. Much worse. But it remains to be seen … I guess I can always just sit in my hotel room and read or chat online with friends or (god forbid!) even work if the outside atmosphere strikes me as being too threatening for escapades.
What else is new? My best friend is on the look for her better half so I am consulted again and my opinion is sought on lots of pictures of guys :-( That is so boring and I am usually very exigent so … poor guys, most of them don’t really stand a chance. Well, I’m actually joking – my friend is much more lenient in this respect …
It’s funny how different people really are. Another good friend has wanted a baby for ages. She is not married but has a boyfriend who is afraid of committing and especially of having children. But she desperately wants to have a baby, it has become her raison d'être. Consequently she is very unhappy and has given the guy an ultimatum. My best friend above mentioned, who is currently looking for a boyfriend, on the other hand, was completely put off by a guy who told her (on the very first date!) that he wanted a family and children and he was extremely willing to commit almost immediately. Hmmm … it’s all very strange and frustrating! But life likes to play the cruellest tricks sometimes! Most of the time we don’t realise what exactly we want and, when we finally realise that, it’s usually too late! Sometimes we just want what is inaccessible, what we cannot really get. If, by a miracle, we manage to come by that particular thing, we end up losing interest most of the times or messing things up. Life is simply not fair!
Well … I think it’s time to end this long post … I am sure that the casual reader has long since fallen asleep! Maybe they are even snoring now :-). I myself feel sleepy at this time so it must have been one of my most boring ones :-( .Until next time, dear blog!
So the girlfriend who wants children has a boyfriend who doesn't and vice versa. Well isn't life ironic, that's always the way. Maybe a little mix and match is called for? But then neither would like the other's partner .... or maybe worse, only one of each would like the other. The scenarios play out like bad soap opera.... which just goes to prove; fiction can't come close to real life.
If anyone knew what my life has been like in the last few weeks would they feel able to write that story or just dismiss it as too outrageous.
So the girlfriend who wants children has a boyfriend who doesn't and vice versa. Well isn't life ironic, that's always the way. Maybe a little mix and match is called for? But then neither would like the other's partner .... or maybe worse, only one of each would like the other. The scenarios play out like bad soap opera.... which just goes to prove; fiction can't come close to real life.
If anyone knew what my life has been like in the last few weeks would they feel able to write that story or just dismiss it as too outrageous.
Why should it be outrageous? Amazing, beautiful, unexpectedly uplifting ... Definitely not outrageous!
Yes, life is like this ... I have grown to hate its cruel triks ... I hate them with passion!!!
You know,if you took all those descriptive words in thre "about me" column and replaced them with "enigma" then it would not be a great un-truth i think :-)
Reading this latest edition of your blog (or inside Andreea,as i affectionately know it to be),i have been transported to another place.I would go as far to say that reading this was like,putting my feet up and sipping a fine red wine whilst reflecting on my most personal and warming thoughts :-)
Fantabulous !!
Flattering comments, as usual, Mark! It's very encouraging to read things like these!
What can I say ... Keep up the good work! :-)
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